
White and Co offers a full range of bespoke surveying services all of which can be tailored to fulfil a client’s particular requirements.

White and Co provides commercial agency services relating to the acquisition or disposal of both freehold and leasehold commercial property of all types in the open market. Agency advice is prepared with a view to optimising realisations on disposal or securing property on the best terms that can be reasonably be obtained in the market place. At the outset of the instruction, the firm will provide advice on estimated realisations and will advise on the best means of disposal with a view to agreeing a suitable marketing campaign with the client.

In respect of lettings, White and Co will advise upon prospective lease terms and seek to agree these with an incoming tenant. Where appropriate, Schedules of Condition can be prepared to protect the future position. Agency instructions will typically include agreement of Heads of Terms and liaison with legal advisors throughout the process. Agency services strive to create a seamless transaction from marketing through to completion and will include recommendations as appropriate for each stage.

White and Co provides pre-acquisition building surveys in respect of residential property and low rise commercial buildings. Surveys relate to the main structural fabric of buildings and aim to identify and explain building defects in order to enable an informed decision to made prior to acquisition as to whether to proceed or whether further negotiation may be appropriate. Further advice is available in respect of matters found to be of concern and if required, valuation advice may be included within a pre-acquisition report.

The firm also prepares Schedules of Condition relating to commercial buildings where agreement has been reached at the inception of the lease to mitigate a tenants future repairing liability. The firm also advises on dilapidations matters by way of the preparation and service of Interim and Terminal Schedules of Dilapidations, identifying alleged breaches of lease terms and will typically conduct negotiations through to settlement. The firm also provides advice on Party Wall Act matters.

White and Co is able to provide compulsory purchase and compensation advice relating to valuation aspects, where land is to be acquired using compulsory purchase powers or is sought to be acquired under assumed Compulsory Purchase powers.

White and Co provides dilapidations advice to landlords and tenants alike, by way of the preparation and service of interim and terminal Schedules of Dilapidation and Quantified Demand in accordance with the requirements of the Dilapidations Protocol as well as responding to claims that have been submitted. Constructive negotiations are carried out with a view to narrowing the issues and seeking a negotiated settlement where it is reasonable to do so or alternatively dealing with recourse to third party determination where unavoidable.

In connection with dilapidations matters, White and Co provides valuation advice, having regard to the provisions of S18(1) Landlord and Tenant Act 1927 in order to determine the loss or diminution in value of the landlords reversionary interest as a consequence of an alleged breach.

Individuals within White and Co are able to prepare Expert Witness Reports together with supporting evidence and opinions to assist a Court or Tribunal in the resolution of property related disputes. The requirements of Part 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules are understood, with appointments generally being undertaken on the basis of an Expert Witness or as a Single Joint Expert Witness.

Where appropriate, we are willing to meet with opposing experts to narrow the issues and to prepare agreed statements of fact.

White and Co is able to advise upon the full range of landlord and tenant matters from service charge, to interpretation of lease terms identifying the respective landlord and tenant repairing liabilities. Rent reviews and lease renewals are routinely dealt with as well as dilapidations and conditional matters.

White and Co is able to provide advice relating to rent review having regard to the provisions of the terms of rent review contained within lease documentation. The firm is happy to carry out negotiations on behalf of both landlords and tenants alike, with view to reaching a negotiated settlement or to deal with a referral to third party for determination as may be required for the circumstances of the case.

The firm is similarly happy to act in respect of lease renewal negotiations, having regard to the mechanism for renewal under the provisions of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and to liaise with legal advisors in respect of relevant notices and response.

White and Co provides pre-acquisition building surveys in respect of residential property of all types. Building surveys relate to the main structural fabric of buildings and aim to identify and explain building defects in order to enable an informed decision to made prior to acquisition as to whether to proceed or whether further negotiation may be appropriate.

Further advice is available in respect of matters found to be of concern and if required, valuation advice may be included within a pre-acquisition report.

White and Co is able to prepare valuation advice relating to both the freehold and leasehold interests in residential, commercial, industrial and retail property as well as land and buildings with and without redevelopment potential.

White and Co  Property Advisory Limited is Regulated by RICS with all valuation advice carried out in accordance with RICS Global Standards 2017 and International Valuation Standards (IVS) 2017.

White and Co also carries out the valuation of freehold and leasehold property for inclusion within Financial Statements on the basis of Fair Value under the provisions of  International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and other non-IFRS accounting standards in other jurisdictions.

All valuations are carried out by or under the direct supervision of a valuer who is a Registered Valuer under the RICS Valuer Registration Scheme.





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