Former St Edwin’s Church, Abbey Road, Dunscroft, Doncaster DN7 4LT

0.11 HA (0.26 ACRES)

Redevelopment Opportunity


The marketing for this property is undertaken by White & Co on behalf of the Diocese of Sheffield and the Church Commissioners for England. On receipt of offers the Diocese shall make a proposal to the Church Commissioners, who will determine the appropriate use for the property and will act as a vendor. This process is governed by the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011.

The property comprises a former parish church constructed in the mid 1960’s, being octagonal in shape and with a raised lantern style roof. There is an attached single storey addition, being a former vicarage, with modifications carried out around 2003 which has been latterly used as amenity facilities with kitchens, meeting rooms and W/C’s. There are soft landscaped areas to the immediate surrounds, together with a detached single garage adjacent to the former vicarage. The building would benefit from a degree of upgrade and modification. The property is considered to have redevelopment potential for a variety of uses, subject to planning permission.

The property has the following approximate Gross Internal Floor Area:
GIA                                   Sq M            (Sq Ft)
Church                              284            (3,059)
Former Vicarage              157            (1,689)
Total                                   441            (4,748)

The overall site area extends to approximately 0.11 Ha (0.26 Acres).

The church is to be offered for sale with freehold vacant possession upon completion.

The property stands within an area within the jurisdiction of Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council. By reference to the Doncaster Local Plan 2015 – 2035 Policies Map (Adopted 23 September 2021) the building is shown as being allocated as “Residential Policy Area” within the Local Plan. The existing use of the property as a place of worship falls within Class F1 ‘’Learning and non-residential institutions” within the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020 and may be suitable for a range of uses within this Class. The property may also have redevelopment potential for alternative use subject to planning permission. Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries and verifications in relation to planning considerations.

The vendor will determine which, if any, bids shall be taken further. The vendor will expect to select one or more bids to be taken forward. The successful bidders will then be asked to make final offers including: Firm financial terms and evidence of the likely acceptability of the proposal by the planning authority. Independent confirmation that funds are available to meet the offer made and to cover the cost of any proposed alterations to the building. The vendor may also seek assurance through a business plan or other information as to the initial long-term viability of these proposals. The Church Commissioners will sanction the disposal and in doing so must undertake certain legal processes under the provisions of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011, including a statutory period of public consultation, before completing the sale of the property. Purchasers should be aware that those procedures will not commence until evidence has been supplied indicating favourable response from the planning authority. It is usual for any necessary planning permission to be in place before completing the sale.

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